Expert Services

Assessment, Therapy and Education

Ivanhoe Speech Therapy provides expert child centred assessment, therapy and parent and teacher education in the following areas;

  • Speech sound development (read more)
  • Verbal dyspraxia, childhood apraxia of speech
  • Expressive language (read more)
  • Receptive language (read more)
  • Stuttering (read more)
  • Selective mutism (read more)
  • Literacy skill development (read more)
  • Listening, attention and concentration skills
  • Cognition and play skills
  • Social skill development

At Ivanhoe Speech Therapy we run regular new parents information sessions. These groups are designed around the children's ages and developmental stages, and provide a wonderful opportunity to ask all those questions that crop up when you are new to parenting.

Therapy Plans

At Ivanhoe Speech Therapy we are committed to facilitating positive outcomes for children and work collaboratively with parents, caregivers and educators to develop personalised and flexible therapy plans. Together, we will design a play-based therapy plan that identifies:

  • Priority communication and learning goals
  • Your child’s strengths that therapy will build on
  • Your child’s interests that therapy will be designed around. For example: imaginary play, arts and crafts, building lego, board games, dancing or active play/physical activity
  • Rewards to motivate your child
  • Therapy frequency to ensure progress at your child’s pace and your family’s needs
  • Therapy activities to incorporate into daily routines. For example bath time, driving home from school, bed time, story time, playing in the park)

Therapy plans are play based and designed to be enjoyable, for both parents and the child.

Ongoing support, sharing of knowledge, and provision of tools and techniques are provided to encourage communication, and emotional and intellectual growth at home.

Plans are reviewed and updated regularly as the child grows, develops and achieves their goals.

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